Attracting Transient Sales

Y’all know I’m not talking about aliens, right? Vacationing has returned to the US landscape with a vengeance this year, and a huge number of travelers are traveling down the I-70 corridor—right by your business! So close and yet so far away! How do you take advantage of that?

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Gain online visibility. In a recent trip I spent used travel time in the car with a thorough exploration of local attractions, restaurants, shops and historical interest. No one can visit your shop if they don’t know you exist, so make them aware. Shoppers want proof, and according to Inc., there is an increasing trend to check out websites and reviews.

It may feel redundant to go to all this bother when your business demands so much energy and attention, but we live in a digital age. That means you cannot neglect the digital component to making sales. Transients are not going to order from you online—they want a shopping experience. It’s up to you to create it, and it begins with grabbing their attention.

Leave a calling card at local eateries and hotels. In a study released by Walden University, networking was recognized as an essential characteristic of sustainability for small businesses. None of us has unlimited capital, but together, we can certainly put together a first class invitation for travelers. This can be as simple as a business card or as elaborate as a brochure. Everyone has to eat and sleep, so go to where the travelers are putting up their feet and planning their next move.

Partner with a motel, offering artwork or products for display with your business name. When your products grace the walls of other local businesses, everyone wins. Networking makes everyone look good. Your products encourage transients to visit your store.

Provide a brochure with a listing of local shops at every local motel. You can partner with other local businesses or do this all on your own. Be sure to include activities for the kids, so dad can corral the littles while moms are busy shopping. Reading through the literature is first on my list when I travel. I have a rough idea of what I’m interested in and what we’ll be doing, but I’m always open to more information.

On a recent trip to Jackson Hole, activities for the grands were planned out and reservations made in advance. I knew there was a center of town shopping venue. I knew there’d be a lot of shops offering local flavor. But when I read the literature and discovered a local yarn shop, I knew exactly where I was spending my afternoon. My husband and the grands were ziplining, but I was ensconced in a rocker and knitting away on a new project when they came to get me. Literature. Never underestimate the value of getting your name in print.

Be attractive, in the verb format! The Forbes number one way to attract transient business is to offer discounts and promotions. A coupon for travelers sweetens the pot and makes your business one they can’t resist.

The value of adding the dollars vacationers are so willing to spend cannot be over-estimated. I know from personal experience that something I’d never buy at home is justifiable when I’m on vacation. Let those dollars and cents find a home at your shop!


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