Who Blessed You Today?

Once a week it’s important to thank the people who touched your heart, utilized your services, taught you a lesson. Thursday is a great day for that, because a week of connections and serving others lies freshly on my mind.


Never forget the little things people do for you…

They don’t.

Dr. Leyba says thanking others is good for you. Her article in Psychology Today lists three great benefits of expressing your gratitude to others. Harvard Medical School published a brief on the topic, citing a study in which those writing thank you notes after ten weeks experienced more optimism and healthier attitudes within their lives. As a matter of fact, gratitude increased the happiness scores in another study crediting thankfulness as a consistent practice.

This week I learned more about social media from Desiree Borsch than I ever dreamed existed! A small VA task for her really opened my eyes to not just how to connect online, but how to be myself in the process. I emerged from the experience as a contributor, not a lurker of online LinkedIn posts. Thank you, Des, for the opportunity of working with you!

I spent a few hours for a valued client, Mike Hamilton, who is publishing a series about long-term care. As a healthcare provider, he has a heart for the old and a lot to say. I love helping him communicate his wisdom and letting him shine. If you haven’t read any of his books, his first is Welcome Home: The First 100 Days. Have I mentioned how much I love being a ghostwriter?

An afternoon with Sariah Fouladi taught me all about connecting with others. She’s the genesis of an amazing concept, and I am excited to be a part of it! She encouraged me to start sharing LinkedIn articles, hence this post. You can blame her for my presence in your daily feed.

Think about the people who touched your life this week, and take a moment thanking them. It’s good for you.


Rockin’ Window Displays


Fit Ready…start on Friday