Seek the King

Inside all of us lives a daughter of the King, and being an emissary is never easy. Christine is growing up, and learning that life holds complicated situations. She is developing the heart and wisdom of compassion.

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               Virtue doesn’t come naturally for any of us, and as we raise our girls, it’s helpful to find voices that blend with our own. This is the purpose of the Christine series, to offer life’s lessons and scripture study in a more palatable format. Each chapter holds discussion questions and scripture study to entice our daughters into the Word, the only source of truth.

               If you have followed Christine from her spoiled childhood and through her travels, you’ve seen her mature into a role model, and now she is growing up. She meets the aristocracy within the realm, and in particular, another who is worthy of her hand in marriage. My goal has not been to introduce drama or love triangles, but to illustrate that God’s path offers many divergent roads. It takes close communion with the King to stay on your own true path.

               Heartbreak, loss, deceit, heresy and courage are themes you will find in Seek the King. Many read the book for pleasure, and then reread it with a parent for discussion and study. I have five granddaughters, and these are the words I long to speak to them. They are girls like yours, so the message is universal.

               I want to thank all of you who have supported and encouraged this endeavor. I also need to apologize for taking the last year off. I had both knees replaced, and one would think it offered ample time for writing, being convalescent…but convalescing is hard work, lol.

               We live in a world spiraling out of control, and Moms, I would encourage you to stick to the old paths, continue what you’re doing, and trust in the King for the outcome. Always seek the King.


Seek the King